Dearest FGCE Alumni and Friends
We the Executive Council of AFGCEAA, would formally like to thank those of you who attended our Inaugural Reunion and Gala in Atlanta. As you already know, it was a success.
However, there is always room for improvement. We are requesting you participate in a brief survey about this past event, thereby making our planning for the next event more streamlined, and geared towards the needs of our alumni and friends.
Please be aware that all responses are taken into consideration, as the planning for the 2015 reunion is already underway.
After you complete the survey, please do not forget to “Like” our Facebook page. For the Alumni, please register on the website as well (the link to the website is provided at the end of the survey).
Below is the survey link:
Thank you so much for your feedback and dedication.
FGCE! Pro Unitate!!
Nora N. Agajelu, Provost/PRO
(on behalf of AFGCEAA Executive Council)