Alumni and Friends….
Our Throwback Thursday today, is dedicated to our Inaugural Reunion held in Atlanta, in July of this year! Again, for those of you who were not there…you missed alot! But, you still have a chance to relive the moments..through this short highlight video, courtesy of PANATv.
So fast forward to August 6-9, 2015. Imagine replaying this event in Washington DC, only steps from the White House? Who knows if Barack or Michelle, might just be jogging by sef…
Full version of the event will be available online very soon! Let this “whet” una appetite small….Atlanta 2014, una do well oh! Washington DC 2015, oya oh!
As usual, if you have not done so, do not forget to register on the website and like/follow us on FB!
Enjoy, and stay tuned!
Long live AFGCEAA!
Long live FGCE Alumni Worldwide!
Long live FGCE!
Pro Unitate!!!