Having Issues Keeping Up With Just Your Smartphone?
Most alumni are busy professionals that have to split their time between projects at work and staying connected to the alumni community. The opportunity is not always there because of schedule issues. Sharing time between your workplace projects and connecting with your alumni groups might be the best way to get things done. You want to of course do this without drawing attention. WhatsApp Web and Messages For Web are two features that enable you to do this.
With WhatsApp Web simply lets you to move away from hunching over picking at the keys of your smartphone. Instead you access your WhatsApp groups through your laptop or workstation by going to web.whatsapp.com. Having a full-size keyboard also lets you upload files, grab screenshots, and share pictures much much easier than doing this on your tiny smartphone.
Messages For Web is a newer feature and similar to WhatsApp Web however it works with your normal text messaging. It allows you to do the same thing which is send text messages discreetly from your laptop or workstation without the tell tale taps on your smartphone keys. Android users can get to this feature by going to messages.google.com while iPhone users can also take advantage of this feature by using the iMessage app.
While at the workplace busy at the office, staying connected through the PC might be your best bet and through the tools listed above you can make it happen whether your staying in touch with your local chapters, class groups, or even friends and family.
Do you have an article or blog entry that our alumni community can benefit from? Send us an email to info@fgcealumni.org. We are also on social media through Twitter: @fgcealumni and Facebook: facebook.com/fgcealumni