
Association of Federal Government College Enugu Alumni in the Americas (AFGCEAA) is a 501(c)(3) organized in 2014 to promote strong student and alumni relationships through service to the school.

Contributions made to us are eligible for deduction under section 170 of the IRS Internal Revenue Code. Please use below link to donate

FGCE Alumni


Federal Government College Enugu
FGCE Alumni



We encourage Alumni to give of their time to the Alumni Association. There are numerous opportunities for alumni interested in joining our Website and Social Media team, our Reunion Planning team(s), FGCE Project Committee, Membership Drive Committees, Constitution Review Committees, Local Chapter Efforts and much more!  Please send an email to  indicating interest to give back. Our Movement needs us!

We also encourage our alumni to volunteer with local charities of their choice in the name of our Alumni Association.  This can range from charitable events from your places of worship, elderly homes, homeless shelters, food drives, etc. We ask that you please ask for a signed receipt from the charity indicating the amount of time you volunteered in the name of FGCE Alumni Association. We will be keeping track of all man hours volunteered by AFGCEAA members globally as this is part of our overall strategy of also giving back as a group to the communities within which we live and work.

Pro Unitate!

FGCE Alumni